Let’s talk about the Perspective Game!

Chenchu Babu
4 min readApr 9, 2022

We all encounter different problems on a daily basis. We can solve few of the problems, and sometimes we don’t know how to solve them.

We are able to solve the problems, because we have some ideas, and point of view around how to fix that problem. We come up with different perspectives and poke it in different angles to understand it better and come up with a wise, and working solution.

Hey everyone, my name is Chenchu and welcome to my Medium Publication Chenchu Babu!

I started this Medium Publication to document and share my processes and journey of how I am exploring, learning, building, and doing things in my life.

Let’s talk about Perspectives today!

What is a Perspective?

Perspective means looking at something in an angle, simply looking at something in one point of view. It can be anything, a learning, problem, solution to a problem, an idea, validating an Idea/Concept, and on and on…

We need perspectives to understand how to look at things and how things work.

Perspectives are interesting. Personally, I love knowing about new Perspectives and how I can sync with my current life.

Let me share how I became a BIG fan of Perspectives!

In my life, the perspective game started after dropping out of college.

I began to think in the way I think, and I was exploring different ideas, meeting and talking with new people, making a ton of mistakes, kind of learning my way.

I don’t know about different perspectives since I didn’t encountered a situation that requires that perspective, simply inexperienced.

I fell in love with the idea of perspectives, and it became quite fascinating since that’s how thinks were working.

When I do a mistake, or misunderstood something, or struck with a problem I go and share my current situation with someone who is elder than me and ask them for solution. And mostly, they help me understand the problem better and come up with a solution.

And surprisingly, when I look at things in their perspectives I feel like, okay this is how things work. Which was and is kind of interesting to me till today.

Here are different areas where perspectives helped me with Understanding Things:

  1. Starting up Garage Buddies: Garage Buddies is my first business venture which I started after dropping out of college and which started as a Startup and ended as a common Business. My Business Guru’s Ravi Kiran Vissa, and Vinod Maurya guided me in path of Entrepreneurship and helped me understand life better with their own Personal Experiences and Business Perspectives. Ofcourse, I dropped the idea due to some reason which we can talk in another article.
  2. Finding my purpose, and making my Vision Clear: I picked different perspectives from different speakers, YouTube, Podcasts, Articles, and more which helped me with finding my WHY and what I wanna do with my life.
  3. With my Personal Life and Work: Currently I am having a tough time with my Personal and Work life from past six months. I really suck at managing and balancing my life. And I am picking different perspectives to understand how things work and how I should think about Work and Personal Life.

How to find new Perspectives? (My Takeaway)

  1. Talk with People: When you are struck and don’t know what to do, sit and talk with with your friends and family to know their perspectives around your problem. And mostly this works, because either of our friends or family members could have seen or experienced the problem that you have.
  2. Use Google: Come on, we are living in 2022, the age of Internet and Google. We can explore the universe with our phone. Go to Google and search for your problems, and I wish that you find a perspective from Quora, Articles, Videos, or anything which can give you a new point of view to your problem.
  3. Deepstash, my new Friend: I started using Deepstash, after watching a video of Ishan Sharma, YouTuber. I deeply fell in love with using Deepstash and consuming content from it because, it gives me new perspectives on a daily basis. Deepstash breaks down an Idea into slides which is way more easy than reading an Entire Article.
  4. Podcasts, I am learning new things: I recently fell in love with listening to Podcasts, because they are really insightful and valuable. Podcasts are a great tool to discover new ideas and find new perspectives for your life. And productively, you can listen to them when you are doing tasks that requires less focus.
  5. Books: I am not a great lover of books, but Books are the best source for discovering new Ideas and Perspectives. I was reading “Start With Why by Simon Sinek, and Zero to One by Peter Theil”, which completely changed the way I look at Businesses and Entrepreneurship. I do recommend reading books if you like reading.

So, that’s all about the Perspective Game which is a Perspective that I found as a 19 year old young gun.

What do you think about the Perspective Game, let’s discuss down below.

And with that said, I will see you in the next article where we discuss new Ideas and how I am doing things.

Thanks for Reading,




Chenchu Babu

Youngster(19) | Explorer | YouTuber | Podcaster | Aspiring Entrepreneur